with Kiprun Pacer
A free running app to get your own personalised running or trail training plan.
Getting ready for a marathon, half, 10k, or trail? With Kiprun Pacer, you can get the right dose of effort at each session of your plan. A running program that includes recovery and strenghtening sessions so you can push your limits without hurting yourself.

For running
Up to 50% of runners have to stop running due to injury.
With Kiprun Pacer, you'll learn to listen to your body properly.
Now you can go all out, safe in the knowledge that you can anticipate injuries and prevent them.

Our experts
behind the app

The expertise
behind Pacer
Coach, instructor, fitness trainer and author of "La Bible du Running". Jérôme's versatility puts him in an ideal position to analyse each discipline from a scientific and practical perspective, and assist sportsmen and women in their practices.

The experience
behind Pacer
As an official VAFA coach, Thomas has used his experience and expertise to lay out the main guidelines structuring the Kiprun Pacer app.

The science
behind Pacer
Cédric is R&D engineer at SportsLab, Decathlon's Research & Development branch. With a PhD in Sports Science, he's the real brains behind Kiprun Pacer. Cédric is also a state-certified Athletics instructor and associate editor of the scientific journal "European Journal of Sport Science".